Booktalk was formed in 1992 with the initial focus on supplying libraries with audiobooks, then educational videos, books, large-print format books, and now, we have evolved, embracing our fast-growing end-user use of technology, e-Books.
Booktalk thrives on new ideas, and has always expanded its horizons to open minds and bring new ideas to libraries and their end-users.
We have moved into the digital era recognising the value of the download for libraries and their communities. Booktalk has embraced the new technology with great interest and enthusiasm through its relationship with OverDrive® who provide a comprehensive Digital e-Lending Library Service (e-books, audiobooks and video streaming) for public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries and corporates.
These are exciting times as libraries add their OverDrive® Digital e-Lending Library to their existing network. The combination of both the physical library and the virtual library is a win for many library users.
Booktalk’s culture is one of immediate service and friendly efficiency. Contact us today to find out how we can best partner you to take your library to new heights.
Booktalk exhibited at the SAHISA Conference 2024.