Despite the risk of losing dignity and looking like a complete idiot, the chance to show a side – a fun side – to one’s teaching persona is tempting. Beware, though, of falling into the Jolly Good Sport Trap!
Another Brick in the Wall
Despite considerable research, one of the more difficult areas to navigate in education is the hidden curriculum. It is such a broad, ill-defined area, but one of real importance – including the untaught survival strategies about getting on with people.
Unfortunately, nobody warned us rookie teachers about the ‘learners’ who were averse to learning. However, we soon discovered that teachers do encounter many, many ‘learning-hesitants’.
Are you victimising my child?’ Madam, I confess, I am not. I’m not paid enough to victimise as well as teach. You’ll have to ask someone else.
Almost as much as do many parents whose children refuse to achieve the heights they (the parents and...
The plot of The Merchant of Venice is pretty convoluted, with lots of Italian names all full of vowels. We had a frustrated old spinster, Miss Fortuin, teaching us. She just doted on Shakespeare. She even looked like him – ancient, grey, balding, with a feeble moustache.