Unveiling the Mysteries of Particle Physics

As one of 44 international science teachers invited to CERN‘s International High School Teacher Programme, Don Duffield was given a back-stage pass to the building blocks of the universe.

In July 2023, I embarked on an extraordinary journey that would take me to the heart of particle physics and connect me with educators from around the world. As a senior physical science teacher at Parklands College in of quantum field theory and the search for dark matter.

The workshops allowed us to roll up our sleeves and engage in activities such as building a cloud chamber – an apparatus used to track the paths of charged particles. We also attended a full day workshop presented by the Perimeter Institute, covering a variety of subjects, from special relativity to climate change.

A global perspective

One of the most remarkable aspects of the programme was the opportunity to collaborate with fellow teachers from diverse backgrounds. We were divided into small groups and tasked with preparing presentations on various aspects of our CERN experience. This collaborative effort fostered a sense of unity among educators from different areas of the globe, transcending language barriers and cultural differences.

Balancing learning and fun

While our primary focus was on particle physics education, the programme organisers ensured we had time for camaraderie and recreation. Activities like a 10-pin bowling and a pizza evening, along with a treasure hunt through the enchanting city of Geneva, allowed us to build lasting friendships and unwind after intense days of learning. We even had a full day free, to hike in the beautiful French Alps and witness first-hand how climate change is melting the once huge glaciers of the Alps.

Inspiration and Encouragement

My time at CERN’s teacher programme was nothing short of transformative. I left with a profound appreciation of the complexity and beauty of particle physics and a reinvigorated zeal for teaching this fascinating topic in the Further Studies in Physics curriculum. The connections I forged with remarkable science teachers from around the world continue to inspire me.

As an advocate for science education in South Africa, I wholeheartedly encourage my fellow educators to consider applying for this exceptional programme. The knowledge and experiences gained at CERN are not only personally enriching but also invaluable for inspiring the next generation of scientists and thinkers in our classrooms.

In conclusion, my journey to CERN was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that deepened my understanding of particle physics, broadened my global perspective, and connected me with passionate educators worldwide. It is my hope that more teachers from South Africa will seize this opportunity to embark on their own transformative journey into the world of particle physics.